Home -> Past Meetings-> 2015 Planning Meeting


 Good Day, Janeites!

            We have a new Regional Coordinator of JASNA NM!  A letter from Joanne Mccloskey – our new RC follows. A big THANK YOU to Jayne Pilley and a warm welcome to Joanne!


              After three years, Jayne Pilley is "retiring" and has asked me to take over as JASNA regional coordinator.

Thank you Jayne for all of your hard work and wonderful meetings!  Because my enthusiasm and love for Jane Austen never ends, I have agreed and will rely on Nancy Haseman's and Amy Swennes' help.  Dal Jensen will continue to send out e-mails and maintain the web site.  Any one else who wants to be involved is welcome!  Please let me know.


  The next meeting will be Saturday, March 21st at 1:00 p.m. at the North Domingo Baca Multi-generational Center.  The program will have two parts:Don't forget a Picnic!


1) A planning session.  Help us plan the programs for the remainder of the year.


Mullan's Book "What Matters in Jane Austen?"2) John Mullan's book:  What Matters in Jane Austen?: Twenty Crucial Puzzles Solved.


Please volunteer to summarize a "puzzle" at the meeting on March 21.  E-mail me at joannemccloskey@prodigy.net, and I will copy and mail a chapter to you. The chapters are short, averaging 15 pages.  Summaries should be less than 5 minutes, describing the puzzle and your reaction to it.

 Following are the puzzles:

 1.  How Much Does Age matter?

2.  Do Sisters Sleep Together?

3.  What Do the Characters Call Each Other?

4.  How Do Jane Austen's Characters Look?

5.  Who Dies in the Course of Her Novels?

6.  Why Is It Risky to Go to the Seaside?

7.  Why Is the Weather Important?

8.  Do We Ever See the Lower Classes?

9.  Which Important Charcters Never Speak in the Novels?

10. What Games Do Characters Play?

11. Is There Any Sex in Jane Austen?

12. What Do Characters Say When the Heroine Is Not There?

13. How Much Money is Enough?

14. Why Do Her Plots Rely on Blunders?

15. What Do Characters Read?

16. Are Ill People Really to Blame for Their Illnesses?

17. What Makes Characters Blush?

18. What Are the Right and Wrong Ways to Propose Marriage?

19. When Does Jane Austen Speak Directly to the Reader?

20. How Experimental a Novelist is Jane Austen?

See you on March 21st.

Joanne, Nancy, and Amy


            A web Page update will be along soon – watch for it on http://www.jasnanm.com  !


As usual if you wish to be dropped from the mailing list, have a correction to your address, or know someone who might wish to be added, just send Dal a message and it will be done.


Thank you for reading


Dal Jensen

The Knowledge Connection


